COVID-19 Precautions — Glassy Business Window Tinting

COVID-19 & Glassy Business

To all of our valued customers,

As part of Governor Sisolak’s speech last night, we are temporarily closing our doors to the public. This Virus is sweeping the world by storm and it is up to each and every one of us to help slow the spread. We will continue to answer your phone calls, emails, and direct messages during this time. We will keep you all up to date with any new discoveries and when we will be able to get back to work.

On that note, we know your homes, offices, and vehicles are important to you and you may want your window film done right away. Please know that we would want nothing more than to take care of you. However, the health and safety of our team and our customers comes first. We will be setting up future bookings for vehicle tint, in home estimates, and we are still selling gift cards. Please, reach out so we can assist in any way possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Just know that this is just as hard on us as it is for you. Together, we will all make it out of this stronger and we will be back providing you with top notch service in no time. In the meantime, enjoy your families and keep calm.

Thank you,

Glassy Business
